Thanx again for the lessons. They've been really inspirational. It's too bad you don't give more courses :-) Here is my Fat Joe. And some pics from the Jack & Hyde lesson. For more stuff you can check out my blog at:
Yeah,'s a weird name. But Freek just means "Fred" in dutch.
Cheers Freek

Wow!Great job on these characters.You've really added lots of personality to them,they look like they would be fun to animate.
Hey Freek, good job on these -I like your Jack roughs, especially the one of him walking reading the book on Character Design.
Hey Freek, awesome sketches! Like Sandra said, I also really like the Jack sketches that you have there, great job! I kinda chuckled when I read some of the things he was saying. And nice revamp of fat joe!
THanks you guys. I really enjoyed working on this character. And maybe one day I'll try and animate him. When my job gives me some time off :-)
yeah, Jack's posture is classic! very well done. I like the neck lines in the expressions and the "say that ONE more time" pose reminds me of George Jetson for some reason.
2 cents.
Wow! these sketches are awesome!!! much kudos!!!!
I so wish I could think up characters like that. give me a character and i can animate it but ask me to design one and i'm useless. great work...
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